Weekly Fone Update

1 min readApr 1, 2022


Hello Everyone,

Welcome to our weekly update!

One of the most important features a blockchain should have is a fast and reliable connection to all Nodes. This is why we choose to work with JRPC, as it provides the type of connection we need.

Once a Node (user) establishes a connection with a server, it is then added to a pool of Nodes (other users). This pool is where users can connect to each other automatically, using a P2P connection.

For example, if User A sends User B 10 FONE, this transaction is broadcasted to all users in the pool, so they have access to this pending transaction. When enough transactions enter the “Pending List”, they are then formed into a “Pending Block”. Since all pending transactions are accessible to every user in the pool, knowing that some users are also validators, they access this “Pending Block” and perform a validation all at the same time to avoid any congestion on the Network.

We are currently working on moving a valid pending block to a permanent location called the “chain”. We will share more details about this process next week.

Stay tuned for more exciting news and weekly updates!

The Fone Team




Written by FoneBlockchain

Fone is a decentralized cryptocurrency, that operates on mobile devices via app ONLY. For more information, please visit our website: https://fone.dev/

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